Paying Child Support Is A Necessity, Not A Punishment
Child support was never meant to be a punishment for divorce and should not be viewed as such. Paying or getting payments for the care of your child or children is part of your duty as their parent. At the Family Law Offices of Glen L. Rabenn, we understand that you may still have unresolved emotions after your divorce. But your children’s needs come first. For this reason, it is important to reach an agreement that has their best interest in mind.
State Considerations For Calculating Child Support
We know that it is not uncommon for disgruntled ex-spouses to use child support as a way to spite one another. However, our attorney will work to help you and your ex reach a fair and reasonable resolution.
When calculating child support payments, the state of California advises the court to take into consideration:
- Both parent’s incomes and financial status
- The custody or visitation arrangements
- Tax deductions that either parent may have
- Child care expenses for either one of the parents
- Any required payroll deductions
The cost of child-rearing can be steep and not something that only one parent should bear alone. If you are pursuing child support or require assistance with negotiating a fair sum, talk with us today. We can provide answers to common questions about child support, as well as help mediating support payments and other parts of your divorce.
Get The Support You Need
For over four decades now, our lawyer has counseled many individuals and families in the Seal Beach area. We have helped them overcome family law challenges like support dispute, asset division and more. To find out how you can benefit from our legal guidance, call our toll-free number at 866-996-3890. You can also set up an in-person consultation via email.